About Lily Kolosova

Born in Ukraine, Lily learned early on that she was a little bit different from other children due to many unusual and paranormal experiences she had starting at around 5 years old.  She also discovered that other children and adults couldn't see what she saw, felt and experienced.  Her teenage years were also full of paranormal experiences with increased intensity.  Lily subsequently had a major realization that a “Crime against Human Consciousness" was taking place and she determined to get to the bottom of it.

In 2012, Lily had an "experience" of seeing the true nature of the Impostor God (AKA AI, Demiurge, Inorganic Consciousness) while attending a spiritual conference.  This experience in of itself was a “lifting of the veil” realization that completely changed her direction. This lead her in developing “the path of the Warrior” designed to aid her in continuing her investigations, as well as, in providing her with the confidence and strength needed in making her findings public. Lily sought to aid humans in freeing themselves via empowerment from the perceived antagonist’s vice-like grip. 
Lily intuitively knew that her insights were cutting-edge material and decided it would be very important to share what she discovered with others.  She quickly set up a YouTube channel and began to make some rudimentary videos.  Lily used charts to display what she learned and during the descriptions of them, additional insights and revelations flooded in as well. 

As a Human Consciousness Investigator for Mother Earth, in September of 2014 Lily released her original "State of Human Consciousness" graph.  Working with Earth Organic Intelligence has been a major part of her path since day 1. Since 2014, Lily has been a featured guest on some of the leading alternative news radio shows and YouTube channels including but not limited to: Escape the Prison Matrix, Nature of Reality Radio, Alfred Lambremont Webre, Fringe Reality, Kelli In The Raw and Beyond The Veil.

In Jan 2016, Lily released another report from the Earth Intelligence Agency. Recent insights resulted in revelations and discussions on Techno-Spirituality, Stand-Down programming, Return of the Warriors, Solar Eclipse Predictions and more.  Lily shares with other Video and Radio Producers what she knows to be true and aids them in reaching out to their own respective audiences thus aiding humanity at the global level with truthful, compelling and vital information.  All of Lily’s work is centered around empowering human beings.  These include video productions, newsletters and planned books.

In 2018, Lily studied with the founders and developers of the WELLPOINT HYPNOSIS METHOD™ and SOUNDSYNCTECH™ Brainwave Technologies and became a Certified Wellpoint Hypnosis Method Facilitator.  Now, combined with her previous experience and knowledge as a Metaphysical Teacher and Human Conscious Investigator, Lily is poised to aid Adults with this exciting and revolutionary healing modality as humanity enters the Quantum Age.  Lily feels that her clients utilizing the Wellpoint Hypnosis Method will achieve goals, health and states of mind that are empowering, allowing the individual to maximize their human potential as Nature intended.
