Patricia Farrington, of INNERStellar Cosmic Conversations, interviews Lily Kolosova

Lily discloses the nature of the duality working in this realm, which even has another overlay on top of it – the False God Overlay, which can make our reality even more difficult to navigate through.  However, if one can overcome both duality and the False God overlay, the individual has the propensity to unite with their own true Source Creation Creator Self.  From this awareness and power base, one becomes free and all possibilities emerge.

Lily also discusses her roots and how years later, she had an awakening in 2007 and again in 2012.  Lily reveals some personal incidents resulting in several near death experiences.  Upon re-entering her body and this reality, she came to know herself as a Higher Self Being.  This internal Gnosis increased her confidence in her own Spirit and Source Creation guiding her.  Patricia’s questions where great and she not only shared similar experiences, but also harmonized well with what Lily had to say resulting in a joyful collaboration.  Thanks Patricia!

Lily encourages us to weigh in on our own Spirit and trust that it will lead us to where we want to go, what we need to learn and how to express ourselves fully.  The KEY is to Know Thyself.  Knowledge overcomes ignorance, manipulation and control.

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Patricia Farrington Website
