The Return of the Warrior & the LIFEBLOOD, Part 2

Following the recent total Solar Eclipse over America, as well as, the devastating hurricanes and earthquakes, many people perceive that the forces of control are stepping up their game in reaction to Earth’s and humanity’s correction that is in progress. The powers that were are developing new diversions designed to do only one thing – keep you off track, dumb downed and disempowered. Is that what you want? Then change it. Put a stop to it and them. Step forward and overcome the devastating threat with Love, Purity of Heart, Courage and the most potent of all, Intentionality.

It’s time for the return of the Warriors and for the awakening of their LIFEBLOOD.

If Humanity rises in consciousness and Gnosis, has their entire DNA running at optimal levels, they could repel energy vampirism orchestrated by the Archons and their control programs including false religious doctrines that siphon loosh. With no energy sustenance, the Archons would disintegrate via attrition. “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” Sun Tzu, The Art of War

The Warriors Wisdom is within your Lifeblood As the original Gnostic writers and shamans unanimously agree, the awareness of self is the awareness of your divinity within. We may refer to this “divinity within” as the divine spirit, Holy Spirit, higher self or awakened mind. It is in my opinion that they all mean the same. We shall embrace this most vital Gnosis and now revitalized, we shall easily navigate around the snares, engage our adversaries on our own terms and show them how we can and will experience life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as it was always meant to be - as free sovereign beings. “He who understands all but lacks knowledge of his true Self lacks all.” Jesus, The Gospel of Thomas, NHC.

Awareness can also be thought of as focus and insight of how things really are in our immediate environment and world and always ready to act in a moments notice. A perfect example would be that of a skilled martial artist. Through contemplation or meditation (the inner) as well as the practice of the various self-defense and self-offense movements (the outer), the martial artist develops and refines a confidence and poise. His awareness has improved and if her space is ever threatened he can easily move out of harms way gracefully with precision and power. If necessary she can stop the attack all together!

Awareness/insight can also mean an awakening to truth. Many of us from birth to death are groomed by society, our parents, peers, teachers, bosses, and of course, the media. What we are discovering more so than ever is that sometimes, these people or elements and what they may want from us, or for us, is diametrically opposed to who we really are and what is in our best interest. An example is that you are a gifted musician but to pay bills you have to work in a deli making sandwiches. Worse, you are a vegetarian and the bulk of your products are filled with dead animals. Solution? Find your joy and passion and go for it with everything you got.

Awareness of who you really are is an awakening to your inner self. “What you should know is ‘that’ within you which sees and hears and comes from the Logos, the mind of the All. It and you are not separate but One and the same.” Poimandres, a Gnostic Gospel.

Have you opened your Eyes? 

In our mind, a Warrioress/Warrior doesn't have to be "aggressive" as many think that trait is what makes a Warrior while adding that she/he doesn’t always have to remain being peaceful either. Good Self-Defense is the hallmark of a Warrioress. A Warrior is an expression of the Divine. A Force – the force in the here and now. It could be Sunlight or a Tornado. The TAO in action, a Warrioress is one (female or male) who is capable and willing to stand up for what is right and to speak his/her truth and has the courage to not back down when the opposition even appears to be bigger or stronger. Appearances are deceiving. A Warrior is Spirit acting in the material and is thus, ready, willing and able to defend and protect himself/herself, her family, loved ones, friends, the Earth, the animals, community, country, world as well as the entire Universe from any and all threats!

A true Warrior is always calm, collected, gentle and sweet. And yet always ready to withdraw a sword when the time requires it. Of course, the sword is a metaphor for "wisdom." This newsletter hopes to unite all female and male Warriors, as it is our time to shine forward and to create our world, as we want it and to aid our planet. Our re-connectedness or stronger connection to our "divine spirit" or "higher self" within will guide us as to what to do and when to do it when confronted with any and all forces that are contrary to our true purpose and peace of mind. Each one of US is now called upon to do that in all areas of our lives. When we re-awaken to our TRUE identity, our missions are revealed. We become Empowered, are invincible and Self-Sufficient Sovereign Beings. Our Lifeblood, now invigorated, beats strongly through our veins.

The Spiritual Warrior is one who has worked upon herself and has discovered compassion and strength in equal measure. He or she is able to stand up for himself and speak his mind. She has complete authority as Spirit moves through her – IS her. He has eliminated fear and embraces courage. Kindness and caring for planet and creatures is second hand nature. She recognizes all as brothers and sisters, but is always ready to withdraw the sword of wisdom and cut through ignorance swiftly. He/She is my example, which I strive to emulate. With this new understanding, you know who you are, where you are from and where you will eventually go. Lead yourself and others down the path to self-discovery and victory now.

The FUTURE has arrived in the PRESENT Moment – the Lifeblood is You.

"You have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour, now you must go back and tell the people that this is the Hour. And there are things to be considered . . . Where are you living? What are you doing? What are your relationships? Are you in right relation? Where is your water? Know your garden. It is time to speak your Truth. Create your community. Be good to each other. And do not look outside yourself for the leader.” Then he clasped his hands together, smiled, and said, “This could be a good time!" An unnamed Hopi Native American Elder.

"An awakened human being is a human who acts on his own Divine Essence, and that's the KEY." Lily Kolosova
